Temos vindo a falar de crise neste blog e por falar nisso, vejam estes textos tão actuais:
"...The real barrier of capitalist production is capital itself. It is that capital and its self-expansion appear as the starting and the closing point, the motive and the purpose of production; that production is only production for capital and not vice-versa, the means of production are not mere means for a constant expansion of the living process of the society of producers."
"The last cause of all real crises always remain in poverty and restricted consumption of the masses as compared to the tendency of capitalist production to develop the productive forces in such a way that only the absolute power of consumption of the entire society would be their limit..."
"...Concentration increases simultaneously, because beyond certain limits a large capital with a small rate of profit accumulates faster than a small capital with a large rate of profit. At a certain high point this increasing concentration in its turn causes a new fall in the rate of profit. The mass of small dispersed capitals is thereby driven along the adventurous road of speculation, credit frauds, stock swindles, and crises."
"Capital, land, labour! However, capital is not a thing, but rather a definite social production relation, belonging to a definite historical formation of society, which is manifested in a thing and lends this thing a specific social character. Capital is not the sum of the material and produced means of production. Capital is rather the means of production transformed into capital, which in themselves are no more capital than gold or silver in itself is money... Here, then, we have a definite and, at first glance, very mystical, social form, of one of the factors in a historically produced social production process."
Texto com 207 anos, de um então Presidente da América:
«Acredito que as instituições bancárias são mais perigosas para as nossas liberdades do que o levantamento de exércitos. Se o povo Americano alguma vez permitir que bancos privados controlem a emissão da moeda, primeiro pela inflação, e depois pela deflação, os bancos e as empresas que crescerão à roda dos bancos despojarão o povo de toda a propriedade até os seus filhos acordarem sem abrigo num continente que os seus pais conquistaram»
Thomas Jefferson,1802
terça-feira, 30 de junho de 2009
Once upon a time...
Publicada por apcastro à(s) 19:35
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